Stora Enso and Hector Rail in new railway cooperation

Stora Enso Wood Supply Sweden and Hector Rail AB have signed a five-year contract valid from January 2008. The agreement includes wood transport from Norway to mills in Värmland, Sweden.

Stora Enso procures an important share of its wood raw material for the Swedish mills on the Norwegian wood market. The railway system is a vital part of the operations. Wood procured in Norway is transported from several wood terminals (for example Tynset, Koppang, Otta, Lillehammer, Sørli, Elverum and Kongsvinger), and is delivered mainly to the Stora Enso Skoghall mill and the Billerud mill in Gruvön.

The new railway system will have the capacity to transport at least 600 000 cubic metres of wood per year. The trains will be run by modern and efficient electric and diesel-powered locomotives. The electric locomotives have a higher traction capacity than the older locomotives. The diesel-powered locomotives are completely new and cause lower emissions and have lower noise levels than older locomotives. The trains will also comprise wagons with a higher payload capacity than the ones currently in service.

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