Hector Rail’s flexible approach saves spectacular railway historic event

Hector Rail is dedicated and passionate about bringing rail operations to next level, not only once but again and again. Today this futuristic ambition was combined with taking responsibility for the proud historic heritage of rail operations. When the Swedish Railway Museum needed help in an emergency situation during transport of the iconic Swiss crocodile locomotive to Sweden, they turned to Hector Rail for help. Of course Hector Rail was fast and flexible and made it possible for railway enthusiasts in Sweden to see and experience this “dream machine” in Sweden during the coming weekend.

This year we are celebrating 100 years of electric rail operations in Sweden. In 1915 the electric operations started on the iron ore line north of the arctic circle. This certainly took transports of the Swedish iron ore to a new level in terms of capacity and cost efficiency. The Swedish Railway Museum will celebrate this event the coming week end with a number of spectacular events around electric rail operations.

As the highlight of the weekend a Swiss “crocodile” locomotive (SBB class Ce 6/8 III) should visit Sweden for the first time ever.

During transport from Switzerland to Sweden the loco broke down and had to be taken to workshop in Berlin. After a heroic repair work the loco was fit again, but all transport plans were in pieces. There was a need for quick and flexible action.

The Swedish railway Museum contacted Hector Rail and asked if we could help in this critical situation. The Hector Rail organization was as devoted as always to solve a tricky problem and show what’s possible within railway operation.

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