Hector Rail will manage SCA’s railway transports of round wood

Hector Rail will manage SCA’s railway transports of round wood

Hector Rail AB has entered into an agreement with SCA Skog AB to for ten years provide transports of round wood to SCA’s mills and sawmills in northern Sweden, from Sundsvall in the south to Piteå in the north.

In general, the new agreement will lead to increased train sizes. This means increased efficiency on SCA terminals in the railway operation and for the rail infrastructure.

Hector Rail will as a consequence of the new operational set-up invest in new locomotives, which can haul heavier trains, regenerate electricity when braking and the mew locomotives can shunt in and out of terminals without need for a catenary. The wagon fleet will also be replaced to a new generation of wagons with more loading capacity.

Contract duration will be ten years and replace the current contract which expires at the yearend 2017/2018 and be valid until December 2027.

– We are extremely proud and happy to receive renewed confidence from SCA Skog. We have worked with innovation and with an extensive work we have been able to modernise the entire transport offer and really offer something new, says Mats Nyblom MD at Hector Rail. Additionally, the confidence we have after ten years of cooperation has also been an important factor. Here, a big thanks goes to all those who during these years contributed to a good delivery.

Hector Rail is already providing the rail services for round wood to SCA in central Norrland. Additional volumes are SCA round wood transport in northern Sweden as well as new additions of volumes as a result of SCA’s extensive investments in the pulp mill in Östrand. In total the agreement of rail transport is of about 3.5 million cubic meters per year when the expanded Östrand mill is in full operation.

For further information, please contact:
Joakim Landholm, group CEO, Hector Rail Group +46 702 40 03 46

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