Hector Rail to run the first DN-train

On Sunday, August 25th, we will run the first DN train from Sthlm C, platform 12. The DN train is a charter train in which the newspaper Dagens Nyheter collaborates with the travel agency World Travel. The train travels through Europe to northern Italy where passengers can enjoy the dramatic mountain scenery of the Dolomites, discover beautiful Venice and see an opera performance in Verona. Two charter trains are planned this year and the next departure is September 1st. The journey takes 7-8 days and begins and ends at Stockholm Central.

Hector Rail’s mission this year is to pull the train from Sthlm C to Trelleborg C, where the train will be exchanged tothe ferry to Rostock will be exchanged. The train is 440 meters long and the first ride is run by Björn T Hansen, Björn Nettervik and Johan Hellström. There will also be a name-giving ceremony at Sthlm C before departure on August 25, where the Vectron pulling the first train will be named Rudolf Wall, who was the founder of Dagens Nyheter. Rudolf was, moreover, a pioneer in freight train traffic by being the first to distribute newspapers by rail in Sweden.

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Andra Nyheter


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