Hector Rail is investing in five new Siemens Vectron locomotives with an option for 15 more locomotives

Hector Rail has signed an agreement with Siemens for the delivery of five new locomotives of the so-called Vectron type. The locomotives are electric, designed for the Scandinavian market and equipped with so-called ”Extra mile” function. This means that the locos have a diesel engine installed and that they are equipped with radio control. This allows efficient shunting in and out of terminals possible without having access to a separate shunting loco. Under the agreement, there is an option to buy a further 15 locomotives until 2021.

The new locomotives are equipped with the new railway safety systems ETCS. Two locomotives are already built and will be delivered in 2016. These two locomotives are equipped with conventional safety systems and without extra mile functionality. The remaining locomotives will be delivered in 2017.

The agreement means the opportunity to develop the fleet up to 20 locomotives. It is also possible to order the locomotives in a more international version which means that they can operate in Sweden, Denmark and Germany.

Vectron locomotives re-generate electricity to the power grid when braking. They can also haul heavier trains than previous generations of locomotives. This means that more payload can be moved in a train. This means that Hector Rail will take an important step towards innovation, efficiency and environmental compatibility.

The locos have four axles, a weight of 90 tons, an installed power of 6400 kW and have a maximum speed of 200 km/h.

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