Hector Rails first German six axle loco

Hector Rail has purchased ten (+ five as spare part supply) used six axle locomotives for the German market. Hector Rail has invested heavily in refurbishment of the locos and the first loco is now ready for operation in a condition as new, or even better than new. With this class of locos Hector Rail has a cost efficient and powerful locomotive to serve customers on the German market.

Hector Rail always puts innovation into everything we do. When refurbishing the locos we increased the tractive effort and we also installed air conditioning into the drivers cab (initially not into the first loco, but the fleet will be equipped). This is an important improvement to make the locos in line with driver expectations of today.

This year three locos will be delivered, and all ten locos will be delivered before the end of 2017.

The locos have six axles, a weight of 118 tons, an installed power of 6288 kW and have a maximum speed of 120 km/h.

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